Dr ハイからのニュース 27/3/2020(新型コロナ関連)
さくらクリニック ベトナム人医師
ハイ医師からの コロナ関連ニュース
Newsletter dated 27/03/2020
1. Vietnam has 6 more patients positive for coronavirus, bringing the total number of cases in Vietnam to 153 cases.
2. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson - Le Thi Thu Hang confirmed: Foreigners in Vietnam can apply for a visa extension at the Immigration Department, Ministry of Public Security.
3. Hanoi City and Ho Chi Minh City have applied blockade measures. All residents will be 'restricted from entering and entering the city' from 0h on March 28, 2020. Sakura clinic customers with residence addresses outside of Hanoi may have trouble entering the city.
4. In the state of "blockade", supermarkets, drugstores, gas stations and medical examination and treatment facilities still operate. The delivery service still works.
5. Cold air will cause rain today, cold air is expected to bring temperatures down to 22 - 23 degrees in the next 2-3 days.
2.外務省スポークスパーソン-Le Thi Thu Hang:ベトナムにいる外国人は、公安省の入国管理局でビザ延長を申請できます。
3.ハノイ市とホーチミン市は封鎖措置を適用しました。 2020年3月28日0時から、すべての居住者は市内または市外への出入りが制限されます。