Dr ハイからのニュース 26/3/2020(新型コロナ関連)
さくらクリニック 常駐医師 ハイ医師からのニュース
Newsletter dated 26/3/2020
1. Vietnam has 7 more patients positive for coronavirus, bringing the total number of cases in Vietnam to 148 cases.
2. The Ministry of Health of Vietnam issues an emergency notice No. 8, requesting those who have visited the following locations to contact the health authorities immediately:
- Noodle restaurant 173 Thai Ha, Ha Noi
- Meet grill 31A Ho Dac Di, Ha Noi
- Vinmart in Vincom Center Pham Ngoc Thach, Ha Noi.
- Buddha Bar & Grill HCM City
- Eel noodle 42 Thai Ha, Ha Noi
- FV Clinic, HCM City
3. Previously, in the 7th urgent notice, the Ministry of Health searched for passengers on two flights departing from Japan:
- NH831 by All Nippon Airways (ANA) from Japan to HCM City on March 19, 2020
- JL751 by Japan Airlines from Tokyo to Ha Noi on March 20, 2020
4. The Ministry of Health of Vietnam requires all patients visiting, and visitors to Bach Mai hospital in the last 14 days, to self-quarantine at home and notify health authorities when they have symptoms of cough, fever. breathing or body aches.
5. Hanoi City People's Committee Chairman Nguyen Duc Chung determined that Hanoi had about 48-72 hours before the outbreak.
6. Epidemiologists estimate that about 20 positive cases are currently undetected in Hanoi City.
- Noodle restaurant 173 Thai Ha, Ha Noi
- Meet grill 31A Ho Dac Di, Ha Noi
- Vinmart in Vincom Center Pham Ngoc Thach, Ha Noi.
- Buddha Bar & Grill HCM City
- Eel noodle 42 Thai Ha, Ha Noi
- FV Clinic, HCM City
3. 7回目の緊急通知で、厚生省は日本発の2つのフライトに搭乗した乗客を探しています。
-2020年3月20日、東京発ハノイ行 日本航空JL751便
5.ハノイ市人民委員会のNguyen Duc Chung委員長は、ハノイ48時間から72時間以内に患者が爆発的に増える可能性があるとした。